Whole30 Five Day Meal Plan

I am SO incredibly excited to share something with you all that I have been working on for over the past few weeks. As you all probably know by now, I just recently completed Whole30. In my pieces on both my blog and Mindbodygreen, I make it very clear that my number one tip on how to survive Whole30 is meal prepping. Many people respond to this statement saying they don't know how to meal prep because they don't know what to make, they don't have the recipes, or they are overwhelmed in a grocery store trying to make sure they buy the correct amount of food. Well, friends, I am here to help. Behold, my five day Whole30 Meal Plan. This pamphlet contains a meal plan schedule for Monday-Friday with individual recipes for each meal and, most importantly, an organized master grocery list.

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By cutting out a few hours on a Sunday and batch cooking meals for the week, you are guaranteed to have healthy, home cooked, and delicious meals for the upcoming five work days. A common misconception about eating a healthy and balanced diet is that it is extremely expensive. Yes, buying organic is more expensive than not, and packed foods are pretty inexpensive. However, if you take the time to plan out your weekly meals and batch cook in your own kitchen, you will soon realize how much money you can save. Personally, I shop for all of my groceries at my local Whole Foods where I know I am getting fresh, trustworthy, and organic produce and meats. With this 5-day meal plan and master grocery list, that serves two people, the meals will come out to just $6 a serving. What lunch or delivery spot can beat that!?

This is the perfect tool for anyone looking to eat a healthier and more cost effective diet whether they are partaking in Whole30 or not. Download the guide below and please be sure to send any meal prep pictures along your journey!!

Freckled Foodie Whole30 Five Day Meal Plan